GIBB Family

First Generation

1. Andrew (Andy)1 Gibb (still alive).

Andrew (Andy) Gibb and Caroline Hunter Fraser had the following children:

child + 2 i. Andrew James Robert2 Gibb (living status unknown).

child 3 ii. Caroline Ida Elizabeth (Carol) Gibb (living status unknown).

child 4 iii. Anne Stewart Gibb (living status unknown).

child 5 iv. Morag Fraser Gibb (living status unknown).

child + 6 v. Ian Rothney Gibb (living status unknown).

child 7 vi. Mabel Gibb (living status unknown).

child 8 vii. Dawn Gibb (living status unknown).

child + 9 viii. Donald Gordon Wood Gibb (living status unknown).

child 10 ix. Carey Gibb (living status unknown).

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