Hello, musical world!
I am a soprano. I trained with Arthur Reckless at the Guildhall School of Music, and now I combine being a mother with occasional professional engagements in East Anglia.
My repertoire includes works by the following composers:
Haydn | Mozart | Vivaldi |
Britten | Leighton | J S Bach |
Handel | Mendelssohn | Cashmore |
Purcell | Maunder | Pergolesi |
Rutter | Vaughan Williams | Martin Shaw |
If you would like me to sing for you (perhaps at a wedding, or as a soloist in an oratorio) please contact me at .
Here, at last, are some recordings of my singing.
They're really of historical interest since they were recorded back in the early 1980s!
(Listen out for the green singing finch in the back (and often fore) ground.
He used to sit beside the piano and join in!)
Please accept my apologies for the often inadequate piano playing, and the unprofessional quality of recording.
Jumping forward just a few years, here's some recordings from a performance of Haydn's Creation in 2002. It was recorded at Holy Trinity
Church on Clapham Common. The Choir is Thomas's Choral Society, the Orchestra is the Lambeth Orchestra, Tenor Peter Mitchell, Bass Peter Herron,
Soprano yours truely, and Conductor Paul Dewhurst.